

Their Borders, Our World: Building New Solidarities with Palestine, Haymarket Books, 2024

Taking Stock of an Unrecognizable Gaza, Curbed / New York Magazine, 2024

Remembrance & Trees in the Lydd Ghetto, Awham Magazine, 2023

Palestine Square,
Architecture of the Territory, 2023

Sumud: Repertoires of Resistance in Silwan,
Journal of Public Culture, 2022

Dispossession & Resistance in the Living City of Acre
Platform, 2022

Designing a Hopeful Vision for Gaza, Yes! Magazine, 2021

Timeless Gaza, Open Gaza, Terreform & AUC Press, 2021

The Rewriting of Palestinian Cities, Arab Urbanism, 2020

On Urban Futures, The Funambulist, 2020

Stranger City, Journal of Public Culture, 2018

Space of Self-Invention, Jerusalem Quarterly, 2017

Perspecta 50: Urban Divides, MIT Press, 2017
